
Side, the most agent-forward brokerage, you’ve never heard of.

Side, the most agent-forward brokerage, you’ve never heard of.

Side is on the forefront of taking agent-centric to the next level and a brokerage that you haven’t heard of for good reason. Side is, “agent-forward”. If you’re familiar with California Real Estate, you may have heard of some of the brands that they’ve partnered with - Thrive, City, Elevation, Real Estate Experts, Portfolio, and many more.

Read time: 5 min 46 seconds.

Advice From a Master Buyers Agent: 3 Tests of Confidence Smart Buyers Use When Assessing Agents

Advice From a Master Buyers Agent: 3 Tests of Confidence Smart Buyers Use When Assessing Agents

Anna Coles knows how important it is to have the right agent represent you. But, Anna has a deeper yet simple insight to share: your agent is just one individual of a team of should-be experts. As a buyer, you need to be aware of all the moving parts, the legal and tax implications, and everything that comes along with signing on that dotted line.

Read time: 4 min 43 seconds

5 reasons pre-listing inspections shouldn’t scare you

5 reasons pre-listing inspections shouldn’t scare you

Guest Post: Craig Ackerman, Top 1% in sales volume of all SF Realtors.

The offer we received on the home was $141,000 over the asking price. With no inspection contingencies. The trustees accepted the offer and were very pleased. Because of that success, the estate asked me and my team to upgrade and sell a property in San Mateo County.

Read time: 3 minutes 18 seconds

“Be the change you want to see in your industry” - Dave Silva

“Be the change you want to see in your industry” - Dave Silva

Dave has an ambitious goal for 2019; he plans on doubling his transactions from 38 to 75. Some might approach this challenge by scaling their team, adding Inside Sales Associates and Buyer’s Agents, but not Dave.

Dave Silva, a Team Leader at RE/MAX Gold in Rocklin CA is laser-focused on efficiency.

Read time: 2 minutes 19 seconds

🎥 Video: “I can't stress enough how much Disclosures.IO has changed my life!"- Butch Haze

🎥 Video: “I can't stress enough how much Disclosures.IO has changed my life!"- Butch Haze

“ What is the #1 game changer that you are using today that is making a huge impact in your business?, Every single one of them said Disclosures.io. It was unbelievable. Honestly, I can say, it’s the number one tool that we use.” -Butch Haze

Control the Offer Process: How High Volume Agents Spend Less Time in Escrow.

Control the Offer Process: How High Volume Agents Spend Less Time in Escrow.

Buyer competition for Bay Area Real Estate is still undoubtably on the rise! We’re going to cover a few simple ways that top producing Listing Agents take control of the offer process. We’ll go over some of the current challenges with managing the offers process, and of course, the new tactics and tools that top agents and teams use to expedite the busy work, monitor diligence behavior, and keep sellers educated on each offer submission and the history of the interested buyers.

NHD's - 3 Talking Points Every Agent Should Master

NHD's - 3 Talking Points Every Agent Should Master

Natural Hazard Disclosures (NHD’s) - As an agent, it’s your duty to protect your client’s best interest throughout the home sale process. Which means knowing the ins and outs of the NHD report (including the fine print). In fact, agents share equal liability in disclosing Natural Hazards. Even if you are representing the buyer, you need to be confident in the NHD report selected by the Listing Agent…

The Pioneer of Pre-Sale Disclosures: How Malin Giddings Built a $4 Billion Portfolio through Innovation and Customer Care

Compass San Francisco real estate agent Malin Giddings has built a tightly-focused empire: Over the last 40 years, she’s worked exclusively in the area north of California Street in the city, becoming the go-to expert for buyers and sellers of luxury properties in an extremely high-demand market.