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An Easy Way to Track Social Media Traffic On Each of Your Listings. One Link To Rule Them All!

One link. many shares. Pre-marketing Made Easy.

Sharing a single link will help you build momentum for your listing, track interest and save time.

For real estate agents, social media marketing for upcoming listings is a great way to:

  • Build momentum and get the word out to your network.

  • Get feedback on your offering & helping you to dial in the price and positioning.

  • Stay top of mind with your potential and current clients.

Social Media Presents a two-fold challenge. Disclosures.IO created a solution.

1) It’s time-consuming to post the same info and photos for each listing across all of the different social platforms.

2) How do you know if your efforts were effective?

Facebook doesn’t tell you exactly who is interested in your listing, but does!

We’ve supercharged the Share Link

(Check out the new Coming Soon feature built by Disclosures.IO)

After you’ve built a coming soon listing on the agent-to-agent Disclosures.IO Coming Soon network, you can easily share the property details into a post on Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin. Interested parties can inquire with you directly to get more information.

The new Share Link for Coming Soon listings just became your new easy button for building momentum in your listing.

Automation Behind the Scenes

The share link automatically sorts the interested parties into Agents and Buyers and provides you with their contact info so that you can follow up directly.

The new link helps agents to more easily promote their brand and their listings while saving them time by keeping track of leads and making follow-up easy.

It’s easy to do:

1) Create a Coming Soon Listing and copy the share link.

2) Post the link on your most-used social channels and your email signature.

3) Check back on your listing as the views, inquiries, and leads roll in.

At we are focused on helping agents to drive Client Care and Business efficiency. Don't wait to start marketing your listings. Post on Coming Soon by Disclosures.IO and connect, with compliance, to hundreds of local agents with active buyers.

comingSoon by Disclosures.IO

Join the most compliant coming soon network in real estate.